Chris Carpenter – Google Cash
His other products – Google Cash Detective and Google Cash Automator
So I decided to take a chance on Chris’ program because I belong to a list that his friend puts out, & he said that Chris Carpenter was misunderstood, other people were ripping him off, he’s being sued by Google because of them, etc.
I’m actually going to take myself off Anik’s list now even though I’ve purchased from him before. This is the 3rd questionable person I’ve come across that he’s associated with & I believe strongly that you are the company you keep.
Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom 2
Lurn, Inc
100 Lakeforest Blvd.
Suite 610
Gaithersburg, MD
Being a sucker for the underdog, I figured what the hell, if I only have to pay for shipping, I’ll see what the CD or DVDÂ is like.
Well I still haven’t received the CD or DVD for the Google Cash, but then 2 nights ago I get this strange phone call which was on the rude side, so I felt I had to blog about it, because I literally had to hang on up this Chris character to get him OFF the phone.
He calls me, barely introduces himself, doesn’t ask me if I’m busy, & then just BAMMM, launches into a sales pitch about how HE’S looking for people who are SERIOUS & want to make tons of money. He doesn’t even ask me if I received his first product yet.
I told him, I’m busy right now can you call me back. I was on the other line on an important call, but instead of him saying, “oh I’m sorry, when can I call you back?”, Chris Carpenter just ignores what I said & again goes into the same schpeel like a robot, “But I want to know if you are a SERIOUS person who wants to make money, we ONLY want serious people!”
I would NEVER commit to anything let alone answer a question from a total stranger without knowing what the hell this guy is selling. Of course I’m SERIOUS, I’ve been an entrepreneur since 1989, but I run a full time business & don’t have time to take on another full time new business.
Finally it was clear to me Chris wasn’t going to respect my time, so I said, “well I guess I’m NOT serious then.”. I heard hims gasp in disbelief & I hung up on him.
What a *&^%$$# LOL. This guy doesn’t know how to run a business AT ALL. He’s RUDE, clearly hyper active, doesn’t care about bothering people in the middle of their calls & I tell him I’m busy & he just ignores me as if his time is worth MORE than his.
Thank god I haven’t dolled out any money on him, now I know that all the posts I had seen about him are true.
Just thought you should know my experience.
Update to post…
Just found out today that everything I’ve read about Chris Carpenter is true. Chris tried to steal from me by charging my credit card $97 above & beyond the $1.95 shipping charge.
His site specifically says that’s ALL we will be charged & then 15 days later, he goes ahead & with NO WARNING, charges my credit card again. That’s stealing Chris. You get what you deserve from Google.
What also upsets me, is that Anik Singal made me believe that others were doing this to Chris Carpenter when CLEARLY they weren’t doing anything to Chris, Chris was doing this to everyone else & I believed Anik!
Here’s what his e-mail from his list said…
“Hey Michelle,
Check this!
Chris Carpenter has gone MAD because
his Google Cash brand was destroyed by
over 250,000 FTC complaints thanks to a
bunch of nasty scammers.
Now, he’s turning the tables and giving
away his best products for FREE.”
Janet from Chris’ office said she would reverse the charge, so that’s good.
But then she asked me if I’d be willing to purchase the product at a lower price even after I told her I never agreed to be charged that in the first place LOL
So I said again, no I don’t do business with fraudulent companies.
My god, they WON’T leave me alone.
This guy named “Richard” ,I think that was his name, called me out of the blue & his “script” sounded just like what Chris rambled off the other night. When I asked if he was with Chris Carpenter he had no idea who that is.
He said he was with BDS – a marketing company & they are very picky about who they pick, this is top secret not open to the public, they are looking for testimonials & then he happens to mention that he’s with Google Cash.
I said Chris IS with Google Cash, he’s the one that invented it & you don’t even know who he is???
Then he’s like “we are only looking for people who are serious in making money with an online company.” I told him I am not interested, I already own an online company.
He wanted to know what kind of company & then he tried to start selling me on the BDS service for my company, but then something about testimonials which made no sense to me, so I asked him, “Are you telling me you want a testimonial from me before I’ve even tried your services?”
He was making no sense, it was clear he was reading a script & didn’t understand what he was trying to sell & I then I finally said no thanks, this sounds all very fishy to me & I hung up the phone.
We’ll see what Chris has up his sleeve in the next couple of days.
So after almost 2 months of waiting, I still haven’t received the product Chris’ site said I would receive for free if I paid the $1.97 shipping charge.
I’m beginning to believe this is just a scam to get your credit card information so they can then do what I stated above, bill me for something I never received or purchased.
Before I talk to my bank, I’m going to ask for my $1.97 back. I should get it since I got my money back on the $97 dollars they took from me, but I obviously won’t get reimbursed for all the time it’s taking me to get out from under this unethical company.