Raymond Shulley
Restaurant Solutions
The Best Credit Card Processing and Merchant Services For Your Business
Merced California
Raymond contacted me regarding a post I made on LinkedIn still looking for a merchant account provider.
He talked to me on the phone telling me how wonderful I was, disclosed how he did some unethical tweaking to get some woman a merchant account in the adult industry when she shouldn’t have gotten one & he was SURE he could help my clients get a merchant account.
I had sent him my Word doc with all my questions plus a ton more information about what I was seeking. He said he’d fill it out.
I told him that I did NOT care about trying to get myself a merchant account, only my clients.
He kept e-mailing me with suggestions here or there which I appreciated, but then he never filled out the Word doc, so on Tuesday I asked him if I was to draw the assumption that it was a no go (I’m used to merchant account providers promising the world & then they can’t deliver).
He wrote me back this LONG LONG wall of text. No proper paragraph structure, no punctuation, the guy couldn’t even capitalize the first word of a sentence. I could barely read it.
I felt like he was accusing me of being a scammer because he saw lies about me & my company online.
What I also had a problem with was that not once did he acknowledge all the wonderful things my clients say about me, he only wanted to know about the lies & wanted me to somehow prove it was wrong. He claimed this was him doing due diligence.
While I agree I could have been more detached in my response, I do have a problem with people who ONLY look at the negative & never the positive & then expect me to somehow prove (how does one do that, tell me) that I’m not a scammer or a fraud. Even my clients look at the WHOLE picture, talk to me & then judge whether they want to purchase from me. Why couldn’t Ray do the same?
I wrote him back telling I really don’t have time to sit here & prove to him that I’m not what they say I am & I don’t. I tried to educate him on how things online in the US are terrible because people can lie & get away with it. I tried to point out several other things to him (in what I perceived was a nice way, even though it was clear I was frustrated.). I also told him I hadn’t even done my due diligence on him either. It was just a matter of statement. What, he can look into me & my company, but I shouldn’t look into him?
That’s when things started to get ugly.
Raymond wrote back things like, I won’t be lecture to, I’m 54 years old & have been in the corporate mill, etc. etc.
That’s when I got my back up. Who cares how old he is or what his background is (I don’t), all I care about is can he get the job done. Once a person starts showing off & throwing things like that in my face, it’s pretty much over.
I wrote back telling him I don’t care about your age, respect is a two way street. I treat all humans the same, one person doesn’t get more respect from me than the other.
Even though I asked him to not write a wall of text & to use proper paragraph structure, he still wasn’t writing his English properly & most of the time I couldn’t figure out what he was saying because of that.
I told him that if he can’t do as I asked & he expects me to bow down to him because of his age or his past, then clearly this relationship isn’t going to work out. I asked him to tell me if I had been mistaken in any of my analyses of the situation or him. I was leaving the door open just in case we could patch things up.
That’s when he started to get really nasty with:
“dont  bother  you are unprofessional  in your dealings and your accusations are  beyond the pale  we not  handle any of your business your rudeness is only surpassed by your lack of intelligence and  inflated sense of self importance”
I told him I was going to put him on my blog (clearly people should know what this guy is like) & asked him to stop e-mailing me, but he wouldn’t listen. That’s when he started threatening me.
I’m still not sure what I accused him off because I don’t remember accusing him of anything. Of course I’m important, and you are important & everyone on this earth is important. Again, I ONLY deal with people who respect ALL humans, not ones who either make a lot of money, have a perceived important position in a company, etc. etc. I don’t do well with shallow people, I admit it & make no apologies for that.
He wrote:
“you i never called you names and now you threaten me this is why no one will work with you  your the one harassing me shall i post all of our emails up on the web site  for all who care  na not worth my  time  you dont get your way and get pissed and go negative on your  blog wow as  fas harassment take any way  you wont  i will take your  threat very serious as well  and slap you with defamation lawsuit that will make your head spin  here comes get ready”
I’m taking a course & we are the point of learning how not to react to negative people or negative situations, so in my next e-mail I told him I wasn’t going to put him on the blog. I am trying to do things differently now.
I wished him all the best in hopes he would just go away, but he continued to harass me.
I couldn’t even understand his English is was just terrible…
“slander is actionable check with your lawyer and beleive me the is more than enogh peopl who have had dealings  with  you dont want an answer dont email me back i read a post by some one who supports  you 69 greencorvair “the people who think the know your  business and theirs  better than you do drive you nuts” how arrogant you are  ( you will of course  notice  the quotation  marks) so dont  say i said it  you have not shown me any respect at all  and my be you might benefit from taking a dale Carnegie  class on human relationship ( grad 1999 and instructor )”
I didn’t respond back, I sent the e-mail thread to my legal guy.
The next thing I know, the following day he joins in a LinkedIn conversation about merchant account providers (he wasn’t part of this discussion before) & starts calling me names again AND tries to get everyone ban from LinkedIn.
Here’s what he said…
“with all due respect Michelle cant deliver either and she attacks the entire industries integrity and competence than accuses us of not treating her like professionals beware this person”
“complain to linked in she is a menace”
I once again asked him nicely to GO AWAY, but I have a feeling Raymond is a very vindictive person who won’t stop harassing me.
This has been sent to legal now and they will take care of him.
Now I feel forced into writing this blog because of how he brought his issues with me out into the open, tried to get other people involved & is trying to get me banned from LinkedIn. I hadn’t wanted to write the blog post, I had just wanted him to go away.
Raymond hasn’t stopped harassing & stalking me since this initial incident. He was quiet for a couple of months, & then I had a problem with another merchant account provider named Dave Lambert who also started to harass, bully & stalk me in public on LinkedIn.
The 2 lovebirds found one another & started harassing me together.
Every time I post now Dave Lambert tries to warn everyone about me even though there’s nothing to warn about.
It’s clear to me these people have no life, have no clients, have nothing to do because when they get angry they stalk & harass. Question is, would they do the same thing to a man as they are doing to me because I’m a woman.
I am looking into involving the police.
Raymond is still stalking & harassing me. He posted another message on my thread on LinkedIn telling everyone a lie about what transpired between me & him.
He’s also trying to stop anyone from doing business with me.
I’ve started researching cyber stalking as his actions are classic cyber stalking.
I’ve asked my legal counsel to arrange a time to visit the police to report Raymond. Even if they can’t do anything, at least it will be on record that Raymond is a cyber stalker who is harassing & bullying me & interfering with my life & business.