Dave Lambert Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida
President at Apex Business Solutions, Inc.
I was back looking for a merchant account provider when Dave Lambert Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida entered the scene.
I had been posting on LinkedIn & eventually stated I had to now start looking for a new merchant account provider I could send leads to for my American clients who want a merchant account.
I screen every single merchant account provider since I have found that most are very ignorant, can’t read English & answer simple questions, many have serious emotional issues & are bullies. I’ve had them harass me (see posts) & lie about me. Many lie, play games, are unreliable & disappear.
Anyway, so I sent Dave my Word doc as I do everyone else & that’s when the problem started.
He didn’t want to fill out the Word doc (I figured out later on that he didn’t read or understand anything he read) & he wanted to talk on the phone.
I said no, if you aren’t willing to fill out the document, I’m not interested & I bid him farewell.
That’s when Dave decided to show his inner little boy by saying:
Based upon your so questions, you are very uniformed when it involves this business.
If you want to work with a professional, call me.
Your loss or gain.
Dave Lambert
FC Financial LLC
Check & Credit Card Processing Solutions
gotoBilling.com – Certified Sales Partner
T: 727-233-1111 F: 727-233-1112
Skype: Yankeeman07”
That’s when I asked him to STOP contacting me.
I don’t deal with little children pretending to be adults & he certainly showed his true personality very early on in the game.
So what did Dave do?
He goes onto LinkedIn back to the thread I had started & starts telling everyone that I’m a problem.
Not sure what your purpose is posting in this group, but, this group is for professionals that are involved in the merchant account provider business.
You appear to be on a fishing business and will not accept professional answers. ”
I once again asked him to STOP HARASSING ME, but he wouldn’t.
The next thing he did was copy & paste certain parts of my Word document that divulge personal information.
Yes you heard me, he copied 2 out of 4-5 pages of questions of course omitting the parts that explain what I’m looking for & why.
He continued to harass & bully me on the thread claiming that HE’S the expert & I am not. LOL, NEVER once did I claim to be an expert, but I’ve been around this industry long enough to know certain things.
Anyway, since Dave Lambert decided to take his issues with me to the public, I feel everyone should know who they are going to deal with if they work with him.
You can say one thing he doesn’t like or understand & he’ll bully you in public online.
Clearly in my opinion this guy has serious emotional issues & needs to get some counseling.
Then Raymond Shulley & Dave Lambert got together after Raymond saw Dave’s lies about me & both started to harass me & lie about me.
I told Raymond I was going to call the police & then he backed off, but Dave wouldn’t. He tried to make it seem like I was a red flag & everyone should stay away from me.
The merchant account industry REALLY needs to start regulating themselves & give all of these guys psychological testing, as there seems to be a good number of them who are emotionally dysfunctional & stalk women (maybe men too I don’t know) online.
I know they don’t consider it stalking & harassing, but when you follow someone all over the net & every time they say something online you are there to bully them & lie or insinuate something that isn’t true, that IS called stalking & harassment. Stalkers NEVER feel they are stalking. They are too emotionally disturbed to understand the difference between right & wrong.
I will keep you up-to-date as the stalking & harassing continues.
Dave Lambert is once again cyber stalking me.
I had put a post out in one of LinkedIn’s merchant services group that I was looking for an agent to partner up with.
Dave comes on & says, “@ Tom, I would suggest not wasting your valuable time with Michelle. Look back at her history of posts, same story every few months.”
I responded back telling everyone that Dave has cyber stalked me in the past. We went back & forth with him accusing me of wasting people’s time & him trying to look out for his 1,500 connections LOL Him telling me how to run my bussines, etc.
We’ll see how long this goes on for.
This guy is clearly crazy that he has to cyber stalk me at least once a year. This is exactly why I got into the merchant services industry, to offer merchant services that is professional, ethical & from someone who is sane.