My Experience With UPS Canada

UPS CanadaUPS Canada is THE worst company when it comes to being a courier service. This isn’t my first problem with them, but it’s the worst.

Sandra McGee Doucet
UPS Security Division
Canada Package Information Dept.
Claims/Int’l ERN/Inves-Insp/DN/Tracing
Phone: 888.293.2244

Even a manager at UPS US told me she’s received a lot of complaints about USP Canada. But in all fairness, when I lived in the US, the US division isn’t much better and this Sandra chick is American.

Here is my story and I hope you learn from it.

Because UPS US and UPS Canada can’t get their bloody act together, one can’t buy something in the US, pay for the shipping in the US and then send it to Canada. As usual, most Canadian (not all) companies are inept. Time and time again I’ve compared the US side to the Canadian side and the US side almost always comes out on top when it comes to customer service, proper business implementation AND their website is always much better.

But I digress…

I returned a purse to the equivalent of about a 4 hour drive away, and sent 2 other packages to the US. Can you believe the one package 4 hours away cost MORE than the 2 packages to 2 different States? I don’t care if it was slightly larger, it barely weighed anything. They lost one of the packages going to the States, but then finally found it.

I was given a credit.

A year went by and I forgot all about the mess I went through before, and I tried to do the same thing I had done a year ago, ship something from the US to Canada, and pay for it in US funds.

After spending 3-4 hours on the phone with the Philippines and finally realizing they CAN’T do what I want, I got a credit totaling $200 because of all my time being wasted.

Since I was moving soon, I was hoping I could use the credit to ship some of my boxes, as it was going to be an expensive move.

Because of all the time I always end up spending on the phone with USP Canada, I told my packer to deal with them.

Sure enough, to figure out which boxes she had already weighed and measured that would total $200, it took an hour. Even my packer was exhausted by the time she closed the phone saying the Filipino had to put her on hold EVERY SINGLE TIME she would give her more information. For this reason both her and I forgot to address the boxes because we were in a rush and packing.

I take full responsibility for this, BUT, in the end UPS screwed up!

So the next day all 5 boxes were by the front door with the waybills filled out.

The guy comes to pick them up and looks at me like I’m nuts (not sure why) and not ONCE does he tell me he can’t take the boxes because there are other labels on them. Until this day I don’t know if there were labels on them, but UPS US said that if there were, it was the driver’s responsibility to reject them.

He ALSO didn’t ask me where the addresses were on the boxes and make me put them on there which of course I would have done had he said something.

I was exhausted. The packing for the move had drained me, and I wasn’t thinking properly, PLUS I’m not used to shipping with couriers. I usually do everything with Canada Post. Let me tell you, Canada Post would NEVER let a box go out without the address on it.

Anyway, the boxes left before I even moved, and they were heading to Miami.

I thought the 5 boxes would get there well before my other boxes did since they left afterward 2-3 weeks later.

I didn’t notice what was going on, as I was too busy trying to get myself moved and settled.

The next thing I know, about a week or two later, I’m told that UPS Canada has lost 3 of the boxes. AND, I am forwarded a photo of one they broke. The box they broke was a VERY sturdy box. It was one of the sturdiest boxes used.

I’m naive and I think that because they found the box they lost the last time, they will FIND MY BOXES, but I’m sorely mistaken.

They have NO RECORD of my boxes and guess where they shipped them to instead of Miami…. You will NEVER GUESS…

Toys R Us Canada head office in Ontario
Amazon Canada Head Office in Ontario

Why in the WORLD they sent them there both you and I have no idea, and I’m pretty positive the boxes were NOT Toys R US or Amazon boxes (yes all my boxes were used). Most Amazon boxes are tiny. We didn’t pack tiny boxes.

They then say they are going to send a driver to try and find the boxes – LOL Yeh right.

Of course he comes back empty handed.

I finally try to track them down myself and they just vanished.

They had found that 3rd missing box and I have no idea where that ended up when it got lost. I was too exhausted to ask.

My boxes NEVER LEFT CANADA even though they were to go to the States. The only one that did was the one that arrived safely.

Again being a novice when it comes to shipping, I completely forgot to insure the boxes. I insured the large shipment, but never the UPS shipment, and of course the idiotic Filipino never bothered to ask my packer if she wanted insurance.

I never EVER thought they would lose these 5 boxes. Of course the other shipping company Ship Smart didn’t lose one out of the 25 boxes I shipped with them. They didn’t break anything either.

So in the end I lost a ton of money because in those boxes were a lot of small expensive items. I don’t have a total, but I’m guessing I lost around $1,000 worth of items including 3 DVDs that had 72 CDs burned on them. As time went on even 1-2 years after I wrote this post, I realized I lost more than that. It was probably closer to $2,000.

All I get is a measly $200 that can never replace what I lost.

I spoke to several people at USP US, who were flabbergasted at how stupid UPS Canada was for sending my boxes to Toys R US and Amazon. After dealing with the US UPS for 2-3 weeks, I finally ended up dealing with a woman in Canada named Sandra McGee Doucet. While she was nice, she lied to me.

She said she would try to get me more money if I could figure out what was missing from the boxes.

We agreed that I would get back to her a month or two later after I’d had a chance to go through all of my boxes and could try and summarize what was missing as I’d have to go by memory since none of the boxes had been totally itemized.

Once I got back to her a few weeks later, she lied and said she never told me she would give me more for my expensive items. Then she said she only told me she could pay $100 per box. I asked her why in the world would I wait 2 months for a cheque if I knew you were only going to pay the maximum amount??? I would have just taken the cheque right away. She had no answer for me.

After I tried to get legal involved and then got back to her, she was on vacation or something, so it took another month to get the cheque processed. She and I arranged for her to mail it to my bank.

LOL, do you think it went to my bank????

NOPE!!!! She sent it to the wrong address.

Just found out today it didn’t go to my bank like I asked her to do and I wasted time sending her all my banking info.

When I e-mailed Sandra to complain, I find out she’s on vacation again!!!

While I’m all for vacations, now we know why UPS SUCKS!!!!!!

Not even an apology for the 2nd HUGE screw up by UPS!

Here are some other sites with TONS of angry Canadians about UPS Canada

I could go on, but I’m too tired now.

Unfortunately Canadians are wimps. I’m sure somewhere there’s a law out there that states UPS can’t rip customers off like this, but no one in Canada has bothered to get a lawyer to sue them. (except that one guy back 2006).

Americans would NEVER put up with this robbery.





Sandra McGee Doucet

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