I was searching for a gift basket company here in the Toronto area, and came across Blooms n Roses.
I noticed they also have this domain…
They advertise Free Shipping.
I call up, talk to the guy, confirm there is free shipping, but he says it can only be done online.
I hang up, proceed to go through the entire process only to waste my time.
Free shipping?
LOL, yeh right, they stick you with a $6+ service charge at the end.
When I call up to find out what this so called service charge is for, I’m given a bunch of BS stating it’s to cover delivery confirmation & website charges.
Excuse me my dear, do you think I was born yesterday?
Confirmation of delivery is almost always free if you paid for delivery (please, correct me if I’m wrong), second, website charges? That’s the cost of doing business.
Are you charging me for the cost of your phone line too?
So beware, what they advertise & tell you isn’t what they live up to.
I ended up buying from another gift basket place & paying even more simply based on principle, as I won’t give my hard earned money to people who play games.