Headset Express – www.headsetexpress.ca
2810 Matheson Blvd., Ste 200
Mississauga, Ontario
L4W 4X7
B. 905-629-0998
Damm, I wish I could remember the owners name.
It’s been a long time since I have talked to him, but he really is a sweetheart.
He’s intelligent, loves his customers, & has very good prices.
I bought 2 headsets from him, one for my cell & cordlesses, & later on one for my office phone.
I highly recommend them & you know how picky I am about customer serviceĀ
It’s a shame I have to reverse my compliment & complain about headsetexpress in Mississauga, Ontario.
First of all I had a business card from Ian, but somehow after dealing with this company a few times I was dealing with Peter Judd, but he never bothered to tell me he wasn’t Ian. LOL, great communication skills – NOT. Why even bother to hide something like that? I should have known that something was fishy when he hid that from me.
Second, at the end of March 2011 I called up needing a new headset. Peter Judd & I talked for a while with me still thinking I was talking to Ian.
Somehow Peter knew details about me, so I guess in the past I must have spoken to him. Who even knows at this point.
We talked for a while socially & I thought all was fine. He even suggested I sign up for ACN. After that conversation, that’s when all the trouble started.
1. I called Peter & left a message because I decided I didn’t want to go with a Plantronics headset he had recommended. They can be very tight on the head in my opinion.
Peter never called me back.
I e-mailed him, he never e-mailed me back.
He eventually explained in one e-mail that he was very busy at a client’s place & would call me. He called me once & I wasn’t around to take the call.
I called or e-mailed approximately 3-4 more time & even spoke to someone else there, but no, Peter just wouldn’t return my calls or e-mails. I felt like I was being strung along.
At this point I was getting upset. He knew I was under a time constraint & needed the headset & the ACN (turns out he’s a rep) & it had already been almost over a week with no contact from him.
2. Finally after warning him I was going to go elsewhere & this obviously not making a dent in getting him to call me, I had to start looking around for another company that provided Viking headsets.
It took me about 2 weeks to finally find a place & I wasted a ton of my precious time. I NEVER heard from Peter Judd ever again & it’s now May 15, 2011, so not only did he lose a regular customer, he didn’t seem to care about losing the ACN sale either.
3. Fast forward to after I signed up with another ACN rep & finding another one also took a lot of my precious time, as they aren’t called distributors like in other network marketing companies, they are called reps, so after calling ACN trying to find a rep & getting nowhere as well, I finally found one… turns out, Peter gave me misinformation (or lied) about certain key aspects of ACN hardware & features.
a) for the adapter you DON’T need 3 MB upload to get it to work. I wasted MORE of my precious time talking to ISPs thinking I had to have min. 3 MB upload speed which would have cost a fortune to have. I just called ACN today & found out one can get away with .25 or anything higher. Why lie about something like that??? I wasted 2 hours of my time the other day trying to find a plan that had even 2 MB uploads.
b) he lied & told me you can call anywhere in the world for free. That’s NOT true!
There is a somewhat large list of countries you can call to for free, but they don’t include the entire world & I already called countries not on that list because I had believed Peter.
He also failed to tell me that you can’t call a cell number. ACN only allows for 5-6 countries you can call a cell on for free. The rest you are charged for.
So unfortunately with the lack of service & all this misinformation & hiding things from me, I have to give headsetexpress.ca a complaint.