is a terrible site in my opinion.

While a few years ago I was impressed with their programming & site design, when I contacted the owner to see if they did work for other companies, he ignored me. I knew he was reading my e-mails, as he did respond back at least once.

I wrote him again asking if he got my last e-mail, he ignored me again.

I made the mistake of using their site in the last year or two to review several restaurants I had gone to only to notice in the last month that they were ALL GONE!

I was VERY upset.

It can take me over an hour to post a review in some cases, as I always edit what I write, & that means I wasted a lot of man hours only to have my restaurant reviews deleted by them.

I thought maybe it was a glitch on their end so I wrote them using the contact form on their site.

I was ignored.

A week later I wrote them again & AGAIN I was ignored.

These are the types of companies online one has to be very very careful with.

They are run by immature disrespectful people (a lot of them tend to be geeks I find) who don’t know the first thing about customer service. I find they don’t care about servicing people, their answer to everything is to ignore you, & they go around deleting your content without telling you why etc.

People may excuse them saying they have poor communication skills, but I don’t think it’s just that, a lot of these sites are run by control freaks, & control freaks by nature have huge emotional problems which is why I feel they should never be in a position of power.

These types of dysfunctional people deal with life in such a way that is detrimental to people around them.

If they don’t like something you did, instead of explaining what they don’t like which is the healthy way of dealing with people, they use the “delete” button instead. This is passive aggression BIG TIME.

If you are in the habit of writing reviews for restaurants, I’d think twice about using Restaurantica because all of your hard work could be deleted one day for no reason at all.

I myself don’t even understand what I could have done to warrant all of my reviews (there weren’t even that many, under 10 for sure) being deleted, but I won’t stress about it, there is no logic to this kind of behavior.

1 thought on “”

  1. So it’s now July 2009, & about a month or so ago I happened to be looking for reviews for restaurants online, & came across my 1 or 2 of my reviews on restaurantica. I was shocked & surprised that my reviews actually still existed. I went back into my account, but still couldn’t find them, but at least the search engines had them.

    Now today, July 4th, 2009…

    Wow, they must have listened, because after logging into my account today I see that now you can see at a glance what reviews you have made & how long ago you posted them. PLUS, there are two tabs now, one for summary & one for reviews.

    They still aren’t responding back to e-mails, but they should be applauded for improving their application.

    Thank you for that


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