Alex Dordevic
Box 65053, 358 Danforth Ave.
Toronto, Ontario M4K 3Z2 CANADA
Phone: (416) 778-4115
So I should have known that the owner of the forum wasn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch because all of the people in the message board sounded like uneducated 15 year olds, but someone had posted something about Reliance Home Comfort, & so I thought I could get my answer from the forum.
I sign up, & when I go to post, Alex the control freak has to approve everyone.
If you know anything about message boards, you will know this is rare & only the nastiest of people do this.
So after waiting a day hoping he’d do his job & approve me, I still wasn’t able to post.
I contact him & do you know what he says????
No hi, how are you doing, I’m just checking to make sure everyone is a real live human being, he comes out with, “You are not going to spam my forum, are you?”
Like a little child & I wasn’t in a patient mood to teach ignorant people the ways of the internet (or common sense), so I got upset getting insulted that this guy doesn’t even know how to be polite, & practically accuses me of one of the worst sins online.
He of course defends himself saying it’s reasonable for him to ask such a question & that he doesn’t tolerate spammers. Ummm, let’s see, how many people online tolerate spammers?
1, 2, 3, others spammers – very smart comments Alex
no it’s not a reasonable question, I belong to probably about 50 forums, & not one is stupid enough to ask such a question practically accusing the person before having even one shred of proof let alone an inkling that the person is a spammer.
He says my e-mail looked spammy. Ummm, had he read the site to e-mail address came from, it would have been clear I was a REAL LIVE HUMAN BEING who cares about quality & recommends products to other businesses online, but in Alex’s HUGE brain, that means I am a spammer. Uhuh
I tell him (he clearly needs someone who has common sense to teach him) “why in the world would a spammer even admit that he/she was going to spam you?” LMAO, I mean USE YOUR HEAD Mister. Get a BRAIN.
He said he was going to approve me, but he ended up deleting me. I didn’t want to join after that experience. If he’s that stupid, then I’m sure none of the responses I needed to my question would have been helpful at all.
Alex Dordevic I recommend you get someone else who has common sense, doesn’t live in fear, understands the net to approve your members, this way you won’t piss innocent people off.
If you tried registering for a Toronto post-rave message board for answers on home heating and air conditioning, well maybe you shouldn’t be publicly judging anyone’s intelligence.
And as a point of correction, it’s not a board full of uneducated 15 year olds, its a wide cross section of 20-30 year olds acting like uneducated 15 year olds.
LOL, I’m quite intelligent, but I had NO idea that this was a rave forum. I believe I did go to the index page & nowhere there did it say it was a RAVE forum. What the forum is about should be CLEARLY stated on the index page or even in the template of the header of each page.
I’ll educate you on search engines since it appears you don’t know how they work.
When a person searches for keywords, it goes directly to the page that found the keywords.
Clearly there was a post or thread about Reliance, otherwise I wouldn’t have tried to sign up to ask a question.
And also, even if a forum has one specific topic they are discussing, that doesn’t mean other discussions about other topics can’t be discussed.