David Perdew
Maximize Communications, Inc.
256.318.5202 cell
256.796.8698 home

Ok, my complaint is with Niche Widgets. I know nothing about any of the other sites David owns.

We signed up for their affiliate program, & within a few weeks, noticed that they didn’t have a proper tracking system for impressions, clicks, sales, etc.

I can’t work with an affiliate program who doesn’t have that, so I contacted David. It sounds like he doesn’t have a handle as to what is going on there, he was trying to figure out the software himself & wasn’t really responding back to my e-mails in a timely manner.

David, just a word of advice if you wish to take it, even if you are waiting on someone else in your company, you should always respond back to the client to let them know if will be a few days before you get back to them. Letting them think you don’t care isn’t the answer, & when someone doesn’t return my e-mail within 48 hours or longer, that to me means the person doesn’t care.

Anyway, I also remember now there were huge problems when I submitted a ticket. His ticket system wouldn’t take it, or it was breaking my message, or something like that. I can’t remember now, it’s been over 2 months since I had the issue.

Anyway, I sent David the URLs of where his widgets were on my blogs, & I never heard back from him, so after months of him probably generating traffic from 3 blogs, I finally had my assistant take them down.

People, if you don’t have a proper affiliate program in place, you shouldn’t launch it.

It looks bad on you if your affiliates don’t even have the proper tools to make money for you & themselves.

David is a nice guy, I just don’t feel he’s cut out to run the Niche Widget program. Once again, I can’t respond on his other businesses, as I don’t know them.



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